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Green your workplace

Green your workplace

How to help make your health workplace more sustainable

Hospitals and health care account for 7% of emissions in Australia, and we know that climate change impacts negatively on human health. Making changes can save your hospital or health system significantly in terms of costs, energy expenditure and waste disposal. We've collected some ideas below on how you can get involved in being part of the solution and help your workplace become greener.

The 2019 Lancet Report tracks the relationship between health and climate change across five key domains and 41 indicators. The life of every child born today will be profoundly affected by climate change, with populations around the world increasingly facing extremes of weather, food and water insecurity, changing patterns of infectious disease, and a less certain future.

Contact Dr Kate Lardner for more information on this topic: [email protected].

Step up

  • Do a presentation at your workplace 
  • Start a green group in your workplace (or find an existing group to join)
  • Print out our Workplace Green Group poster and add your contact details to network with colleagues.
  • Network with other health sustainability advocates
  • Engage with your local MP and talk to friends and family about climate change and pollution.

Recycle & reduce waste


Other Resources



Print out this poster and hang it in your staff room with your contact details to find more like-minded colleagues who could work with you to green your workplace.
