The Latrobe Valley is a Health Innovation Zone, but one of the biggest determinants of physical and mental health is financial security.
Energy transition is happening now and the Valley needs a plan to ensure that workers, their families and the broader community thrive beyond coal.
The Latrobe Valley Authority has done good work but they need more funding, and for longer, to create a full transition plan that protects the community. In Germany communities have been promised billions of Euros over many years to transition from coal to other industries.
Enter your details to sign our petition to Victorian Minister for Regional Development Mary-Anne Thomas requesting funding for the Latrobe Valley Authority to create a full transition plan that revitalises the Latrobe Valley economy and improves community health.
Current organisational signatories
Moe Neighbourhood House
Narracan Gardens Aged Care Facility
The Salvation Army Moe Corps
The Salvation Army Morwell Corps
The Salvation Army Traralgon Corps
Advocating for the Latrobe Valley
Friends of Latrobe Water
Gippsland Climate Change Network
Social Workers for Climate Action
Voices of the Valley
Recent individual signatories
Liz Hudson-Cooper
Jason Fletcher
Feng-Quan Liu
Jeni Grubb
Angie Pearson
Janette Connard
Tony Peck
Heike Weber
Denise Stranger
Philip Rayment
Elizabeth Buckingham
Hayley Sestokas
Lorraine Bull
Jane Sultana
Kirsten Brimblecombe
Neil Rankine
Angela Crunden
Deb Reynolds
Latrobe Valley Sustainability Group
Jane Caffrey
You can also read more about the health impacts of pollution in Gippsland here.